Media blackout on Japan's catastrophe as WW3 begins during lunar perigree, while "Ring of Fire" may shift bringing "HELL on EARTH"
As I sit here a few thousand feet from the edge of the US and the waters of the mighty Pacific Ocean in Lincoln City, Oregon, I wonder if we too will live or die like the Japanese, in this past week. I can't help but notice how the mainstream media has now turned the devastation in Japan off and all eyes are now on the bombing of Libya or the lunar perigree. World War 3 has begun.
The fact is that MSNBC and GE-who owned or built the nuclear reactor now melting down in Japan- are both part of the same corporation. As such, that corporation and it's Executive officers and it's worldwide interests, have a vested interest in controlling what information you receive. Because that corporation creates the news and controls a great portion of the mainstream news and nuclear reactors which are now causing global radiation contamination - it's in their best interest to cause a diversion, as demonstrated by MSNBC. They certainly don't want to cause a panic. And they don't want you to think about how anguishing the looming death of these survivors will be while being starved to death from lack of food, water and shelter due to the radiation poisoning.
I am deeply saddend by the extermination of Japan's people and anxious about what this means to the rest of the world and the long term effects for them and us. I watch, pray, research, inform and grieve for them all. Instinctively, I feel this sense of urgency as I research the scientific reports and my hearts aches. It aches for our world and all whom have died or lost their loved ones, and all who's death appears to be imminent, as I realize what appears to be on the horizon. If the scientific reports I and my colleagues have uncovered are accurate, hell on earth is unfolding before our eyes and then suppressed. Extermination or genocide? They report they can't get food and water to them, but they can helocopter water to the nuclear reactors in a futile and febble attempt to cool them before the meltdown. Memories of Katrina will pale in comparison and our world is in grave danger.
Is this all leading up to the events predicted for 12/21/2012 or will those events happen prior to that day? Reports of thousands of dead people washed ashore. Weeks and months prior to that, hundreds of thousands of dead fish, washed ashore world wide, thousands of birds fall from the sky at night, while roosting and asleep, all explained more than feebly and unsatisfactorily. Is there a scientific explanation? Or has Armageddon begun? Inquiring and spiritual minds need to know. WE all need to know.
Complacency sets in the minds of my country men and women and I observe it aghast at their narcissism. It appears that very few really care. On with their lives. The media plays down the long term, life long effects of all this to the earth and her people. If we don't die or become deathly ill from radiation poisoning, then we're in danger of being wiped out by a looming shift of the Pacific rim/Ring of Fire. HELL ON EARTH!
In the meantime, it's obvious to me - and I'm no scientist- that Japan and her inhabitants, after surviving last week's devastating earthquake, tsunami and the loss of over ten thousand of their family and countrymen, homes, electicity, water, food supply and everything they need to sustain life, will now suffer a slow anguishing, inhumane death either from thirst, starvation, hypothermia and lack of shelter due to the reactor meltdowns, while also being dealt a death sentence from the radiation AND from the slowness is getting relief to these people before the radiation was leaking and blowing to us here on the west coast.
Did you notice that just like Katrina, how slow the relief efforts were? I couldn't help but notice and I've been grieving for Japan and her people to the point that it literally sickens me. I know there are many others in agreement with me, because my email and face book are swamped with information and my associates are calling me noticing. And most of America seems unfazed by what this all means or could mean.
Now my associates tell me that the Pacific Rim - aka the Ring of Fire has shifted and we may very well be on the brink of the worst natural disaster known to man, as if what just happened in Japan is only the beginning of much more to come. But "THEY" don't want you to know about it. Typical, just typical!
As a former mainstream media broadcaster, and newspaper reporter I'm appalled. Since I am not one to follow the status quo, which my stories on other news sites will reflect, I feel it is my duty to warn as many as will listen. Hang on folk and stay tuned because we may be in for the ride of our lives. If the Pacific Rim shifts much more as scientists are predicting we could suffer 100 - 1000 ft waves here on the west coast and it will wipe out most of the west coast far far inland. And what is currently happening in Japan will pale in comparison. ARE WE NEXT?
Need proof? Join me and my friends, fans and colleages on facebook here: This is just the beginning....
The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond Post: Cascadian zone watch during period of lunar perigee URL:
Land cracks reported in Everett, Washington

March 18, 2011 – EVERETT, Wash. — People living in the Valley View neighborhood of southeast Everett are waiting and watching. A two story house on their block is tilted at a 20 degree angle and could collapse at any moment. A crack in the earth that first appeared six weeks ago is now threatening about four homes. The City of Everett has “red tagged” the home on Burl which is collapsing. That means no one is allowed near the property. A “yellow tag” was posted on two other properties where the land is giving way. A surface slide in the area of Rob and Margaret Lund’s house caused their deck and cement patio to completely collapse. “There is nothing to stop this from happening again and again,” said Rob Lund. Recent heavy rains has caused the sliding to accelerate in the neighborhood. Neighbors said the problem appears to be getting much worse. “If that house goes, the land will go with it,” said Steve Mosman, who lives right next door to the collapsing home. “It would pull our land down with it. We just don’t know what is going to happen.” –King
fault is NOT the only one effected.
Need proof? In Everett Washington today:
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